
Yahoo! News: World News


Yahoo! News: World News

For Hong Kong’s leader, pressure isn’t just from protesters

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 01:55 PM PDT

For Hong Kong's leader, pressure isn't just from protestersWhen prop-maker Terry Yim joined up with throngs of marchers in Hong Kong on Sunday, he brought a homemade accessory: a pumpkin-sized likeness of Carrie Lam, the city's unpopular chief executive, complete with tidy short hair and spectacles. For weeks, Hong Kong residents have rallied against a proposed extradition law in mostly peaceful protests. Indeed, much of the semi-autonomous city snapped this month when Mrs. Lam tried to rush through a bill that would allow certain criminal suspects to be sent to mainland China for trial, among other places with which Hong Kong does not have an extradition agreement.

As Trump Show heads into Season Two, will we still want to watch?

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 01:25 PM PDT

As Trump Show heads into Season Two, will we still want to watch?At his reelection kickoff rally last night in Orlando, Florida, President Donald Trump criticized the "Fake News" media and the "witch hunt" Mueller investigation. "Trump rallies are in some ways like going to hear the Grateful Dead. You get to hear the songs you want to hear, and he always plays the greatest hits," commented NPR's Tamara Keith on the PBS NewsHour.

Pelosi on impeachment: ‘This isn’t about politics’

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 12:58 PM PDT

Pelosi on impeachment: 'This isn't about politics'The last time Rep. Nancy Pelosi appeared at a Monitor Breakfast, in March 2017, she made news: She said she would have retired to California if Hillary Clinton had won the election. "I have grandchildren to love," said the then-leader of the minority House Democrats. "It was really shocking that somebody like Donald Trump could be president of the United States," Ms. Pelosi said, expressing concern about preserving the Affordable Care Act.

A global moment for the #MeToo movement

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 12:37 PM PDT

A global moment for the #MeToo movementThe #MeToo movement may finally have found its global moment. On Thursday, world leaders at the International Labor Organization in Geneva will vote on a proposed agreement aimed at ending sexual harassment in the workplace. One in three countries still has no laws protecting women or men from workplace harassment.

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