
Yahoo! News: World News


Yahoo! News: World News

Nunes memo: What will determine its political effect

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:19 PM PST

Nunes memo: What will determine its political effectCreated by aides to Rep. Devin Nunes (R) of California, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, the memo is based on highly classified FBI and intelligence community source material. The FBI says it has "grave concerns" about the document's accuracy.

Briefing: Is Macron set to finally smooth Franco-African relations?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:35 PM PST

Briefing: Is Macron set to finally smooth Franco-African relations?As French President Emmanuel Macron approaches the end of his first year in office, he, like many presidents before him, has the ominous job of navigating France's complicated relationship with Africa. "Françafrique" – the special and often murky business and political relationship that France shares with its former African colonies – is a political sticking point that has plagued former French leaders for decades. Mr. Macron heads to Senegal Thursday on his fourth presidential visit to sub-Saharan Africa.

Who can win the peace in Syria?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:14 PM PST

Who can win the peace in Syria?One lesson from the history of war is that a military victory may be no victory at all. What comes in the wake of war – resettlement of civilians, reconstruction of a nation, and reconciliation – is often the permanent victory. After seven years of fighting and 400,000 killed, Syria may be nearing this point.

In Japan, baby-at-work fuss highlights deeper issue: few women in politics

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:06 AM PST

In Japan, baby-at-work fuss highlights deeper issue: few women in politicsWhen Yuka Ogata walked into work last November with her 7-month-old in her arms, she wanted to highlight the challenges working women face in Japan – child-care access, in particular. In a way, she succeeded all too well: The municipal assembly, of which she is a member, kicked them out of the meeting and later gave her a written reprimand, setting off a media firestorm that reached far beyond Japan. The news about Ms. Ogata and the male-dominated assembly in Kumamoto, a southwestern city of 740,000, made headlines from Washington to Bolivia.

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