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Yahoo! News: World News

U.S. warns of 'other' options if North Korea continues nuclear, missile tests

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 02:54 PM PDT

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guides on the spot the underwater test-fire of strategic submarine ballistic missileBy Jack Kim and Lesley Wroughton SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States warned on Tuesday it would consider "other" options, which could include new sanctions or security steps, if North Korea continued nuclear and ballistic missile testing. South Korea's Yonhap news agency earlier said North Korea appeared to be preparing a test-launch of an intermediate-range ballistic missile, after what the United States described as the "fiery, catastrophic" failure of a launch attempt this month. It is widely expected to conduct a fifth nuclear test soon, perhaps ahead of a congress of the ruling Workers Party congress in early May. President Barack Obama said the United States was working on defending itself and its allies against potential threats from North Korea, which he called an "erratic" country with an "irresponsible" leader.

U.S. embassy warns citizens in Turkey about 'credible' terrorist threats

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 01:56 PM PDT

Pedestrians stroll along Galata bridge in IstanbulThe United States warned U.S. citizens in Turkey on Tuesday about "credible" terrorist threats to tourist areas in the country. Turkey has been hit by four suicide bombings already this year, most recently in Istanbul last month. Two of the bombings have been blamed on Islamic State, while Kurdish militants have claimed responsibility for the other two.

U.S. military used 'roof knock' tactic in Iraq to try to warn civilians before bombing

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:42 PM PDT

A U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle from the 48th Fighter Wing lands at Incirlik Air Base, TurkeyBy Yeganeh Torbati and Idrees Ali WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States borrowed an Israeli military tactic known as "roof knocking" to try to warn civilians before it dropped a bomb targeting Islamic State fighters in Iraq this month, but a woman was killed in the attack, a U.S. military official said on Tuesday. The Israeli military used such "roof knocks" in the 2014 Gaza war, but a United Nations commission found in 2015 that the tactic was not effective, because it often caused confusion and did not give residents enough time to escape.

Venezuela opposition gets paperwork to start Maduro recall drive

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:24 PM PDT

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro attends a rally to celebrate the 206th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, in CaracasBy Eyanir Chinea and Daniel Kai CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's election board gave opposition leaders on Tuesday a document letting them begin the process of seeking a referendum to remove President Nicolas Maduro, who is under fire over a deepening economic crisis. Triple-digit inflation, Soviet-style production shortages and a severe recession have made the socialist leader broadly unpopular, and the opposition's decisive victory in legislative elections last year has emboldened it to push for a recall vote. "Today we took a first step to begin the recall of Maduro," opposition deputy Elias Matta tweeted.

Eleven shot dead in Cape Verde, including two Spanish citizens

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:31 PM PDT

Police stand guard on the road leading to the Spanish embassy in PraiaEleven men were shot dead in Cape Verde on Tuesday, including eight soldiers, a local civilian and two Spanish citizens, the minister of Internal Administration for the archipelago off the African coast said in a statement. The men were killed at a telecommunications site at Monte Tchota, a forested area on Santiago island about 27 km (17 miles) north of the capital, Praia, Minister Paulo Rocha said. "A soldier assigned to the military team itself is missing, and there are strong indications that he was responsible in the events," said Rocha, adding that the victims were 20 to 51 years old.

Venezuela decrees two-day week for public sector to save energy

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 05:06 PM PDT

Venezuela's Vice President Aristobulo Isturiz attends a meeting with the ministers responsible for the economic sector at Miraflores Palaces in CaracasCARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's socialist government ordered public workers on Tuesday to work a two-day week as an energy-saving measure in the crisis-hit South American OPEC country. President Nicolas Maduro had already given most of Venezuela's 2.8 million state employees Fridays off during April and May to cut down on electricity consumption. "We have decided to add Wednesdays and Thursdays as non-working days off for the public sector," Vice President Aristobulo Isturiz told state TV during a visit to the Guri dam and hydroelectric plant in south Venezuela. ...

EPA calls for U.S. drinking water plan in wake of Flint crisis

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 05:02 PM PDT

Flint Michigan residents wait in line for a House Oversight and government Reform hearing on "Examining Federal Administration of the Safe Drinking Water Act in Flint, Michigan, Part III" on Capitol Hill in WashingtonA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency official on Tuesday called for the development of a national plan to better protect the nation's drinking water, citing the lead contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan. Joel Beauvais, deputy assistant administrator for the EPA's Office of Water, said in a blog post that agency management will meet with state, local government and public health officials next month. The EPA will release an action plan by the end of the year, he said.

Thirty years on, Ukraine mourns victims of Chernobyl

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:48 PM PDT

A woman pays tribute at the monument to Chernobyl victims in Slavutich, where many of the power station's staff used to live, on April 26, 2015Ukrainians held candlelit vigils Tuesday to mark 30 years since the world's worst nuclear accident at Chernobyl spewed radiation across Europe and left several thousand people dead or dying. Church bells rang and mourners laid flowers at Chernobyl's memorial square as the clock turned 1:23 am -- the moment the plant's reactor number four exploded and changed the fate of a generation living across the former Soviet Union. At least 30 people were killed on site and several thousand more are feared to have died from radiation in what Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said "appears to have been the world's largest man-made catastrophe".

UN office 'concerned' over Mexico missing students case

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:38 PM PDT

Parents hold pictures of their missing children during a press conference by families of some of 43 missing teachers college students, in response to a report issued Sunday by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights expert group in Mexico City, Monday, April 25, 2016. There is strong evidence that Mexican police tortured some of the key suspects arrested in the disappearance of 43 students, according to the report. The group also complained the government was slow to deliver some of the evidence it had asked for and criticized government prosecutor's investigations as flawed and incomplete. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)MEXICO CITY (AP) — The U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said Tuesday that it is troubled by a group of international experts' complaints of obstacles to their investigation into the disappearance of 43 students in Mexico.

Venezuela enforces public sector leave on three weekdays

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:37 PM PDT

A man uses a power generator during a power cut at a store in the border state of San Cristobal, Venezuela, 600 km west of Caracas on April 25, 2016Venezuela's government Tuesday announced enforced leave for public sector workers from Wednesday to Friday, meaning they will only work two days a week in efforts to tackle an electricity shortage. "There will be no work in the public sector on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, except for fundamental and necessary tasks," Vice President Aristobulo Isturiz said on television. President Nicolas Maduro's government had already cut the work day for the country's two million public sector employees to six hours and put them on paid leave on Fridays until June 6.

33 lions saved from South American circuses heading home

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:33 PM PDT

LIMA, Peru (AP) — Thirty-three lions rescued from circuses in Peru and Colombia are heading back to their homeland to live out the rest of their lives in a private sanctuary in South Africa.

Water trains bring scant relief to drought-ravaged Indian state

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:31 PM PDT

Cracked soil at Manjara Dam is seen in OsmanabadBy Rajendra Jadhav LATUR, India (Reuters) - Haribhau Kamble, an unemployed laborer in India's richest state of Maharashtra, is forced to queue for hours in scorching heat to fetch water even as the government puts on trains to ship water to the region parched by back-to-back drought years. Like Kamble, millions of Indians have been hung out to dry in the state with the worst drought in four decades ravaging crops, killing livestock, emptying reservoirs and slowing hydroelectric power output. Mismanagement of water resources, with powerful politicians pushing for bigger supplies to industries, have made the situation worse, experts say.

Best and worst of times: Rio Olympic countdown hits 100 days

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:30 PM PDT

This April 11, 2016 photo shows Carioca Arena 1 behind palm trees inside Rio 2016 Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The arena will host Olympic basketball matches. Problems still hang over South America's first games. Brazil President Dilma Rousseff is being impeached and is likely to be suspended when the games open Aug. 5, partly fallout from Brazil's worst recession in decades, 10-percent unemployment, and a $3 billion Petrobras corruption scandal. Away from politics, the Zika virus threatens athletes and tourists. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Two years ago, the Australian IOC member John Coates called the preparations for the Rio de Janeiro Olympics "the worst" in recent memory.

AU wades into UN dispute over Western Sahara

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:27 PM PDT

The African Union's envoy for Western Sahara warned at the United Nations on April 26, 2016 that the conflict in the disputed north African territory could re-ignite again unless steps are taken to find a settlementThe African Union's envoy for Western Sahara warned at the United Nations on Tuesday that the conflict in the disputed north African territory could re-ignite again unless steps are taken to find a settlement. Mozambique's former president Joaquim Chissano spoke at a special Security Council meeting just days before the 15-member council is to vote on renewing the mandate of the UN peace mission in Western Sahara. The council has been divided over how to salvage the MINURSO mission after Morocco expelled 84 staffers in retaliation for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's use of the term "occupation" to describe Western Sahara.

Stanford climate activists slam university over fossil fuel vote

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:23 PM PDT

The logo of Exxon Mobil Corporation is shown on a monitor above the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New YorkBy Rory Carroll SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Stanford University's announcement on Monday that it will not rid its $22 billion endowment of oil and gas companies has raised the ire of campus climate activists, who said on Tuesday they will protest the decision. Activists felt they had momentum on their side after Stanford two years ago said it would no longer invest in coal mining companies, whose products are a major contributor to global climate change. The University of California last year agreed to sell off about $200 million in direct holdings in coal and oil sands companies.

US health secretary in Puerto Rico amid Zika outbreak

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:20 PM PDT

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is in Puerto Rico to oversee the U.S. territory's response to a Zika outbreak.

More urgent action needed on air pollution in Britain-MPs

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:19 PM PDT

Commuters pass the Town Hall and Council House in Birmingham in central EnglandBy Nina Chestney LONDON (Reuters) - A government plan to tackle air pollution in five major cities in Britain by 2020 will not be enough and more urgent action needs to be taken, lawmakers said on Wednesday. Britain has some of the highest levels in Europe of the pollutant nitrogen dioxide, which is produced by diesel vehicles, and has already breached EU limits. Last year, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said it would introduce so-called clean air zones in areas of Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Derby and Southampton by 2020 in a bid to improve air quality.

Venezuela paves way for petition to recall Maduro

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:17 PM PDT

Jose Torrealba executive secretary of Venezuela's opposition coalition, Mesa de la Unidad Democratica, MUD, shows one of the petition sheets needed to collect around 200,000 signatures to allow MUD to try and initiate a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro, at the National Assembly building in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 26, 2016. Although Maduro's approval rating has plummeted amid spiraling triple-digit inflation, a deep recession and widespread shortages, booting him from office won't be easy. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela's electoral council on Tuesday took steps to allow opponents of President Nicolas Maduro to try and initiate a recall referendum against the socialist leader.

Curbing EU migration would hurt British firms, study says

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:15 PM PDT

A worker paints a wall on a construction site in LondonBritish hotels, restaurants and food processing and construction firms would all struggle if they were no longer allowed to recruit European Union migrants into low-skilled jobs, according to a new study on Wednesday. Curbing migration is a key goal for many Britons who plan to vote to leave the EU in a referendum on June 23, but many firms believe the economic cost would be large, Britain's National Institute of Economic and Social Research said. "From the perspective of employers in low-paid sectors, free movement works pretty well," NIESR researcher Heather Rolfe said.

Yu Darvish wants to see how he feels, but closer to game

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:09 PM PDT

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Texas Rangers ace Yu Darvish wanted to wait a day after his latest live batting practice session before deciding if he is ready for a minor league rehab start.

Judge: No evidence against Puerto Rican in renowned killing

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:06 PM PDT

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — A judge in Puerto Rico has ruled there is not enough evidence to charge a man recently arrested in the killing of a young boy in a case that has transfixed the U.S. territory for six years.

US Steel files trade complaint against big Chinese producers

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 04:00 PM PDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — United States Steel Corp. has filed a complaint with U.S. regulators against the biggest Chinese steel producers, accusing them of conspiring to fix prices, stealing trade secrets and skirting duties on imports in the U.S. with false labeling.

US military conducts cyber attacks on IS

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:58 PM PDT

A US-led coalition has been striking IS fighters in Iraq and Syria since August 2014, and officials have long stated the importance of using cyber techniques such as overloading IS networks to limit the group's communicationsThe US military is now conducting cyber attacks on the Islamic State group, a general said Tuesday as the Pentagon looks to accelerate the fight against the jihadists. "We have now begun to use our exquisite cyber capabilities in this fight against Daesh," Baghdad-based Major General Peter Gersten told Pentagon reporters, using an acronym that comes from the group's name in Arabic. In February, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and the US military's top officer, General Joe Dunford, said the United States was determined to "accelerate" the anti-IS campaign, and indicated cyber warfare would play an increasingly important role in doing so.

North Korea to open ruling Workers' Party congress on May 6

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:46 PM PDT

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guides on the spot the underwater test-fire of strategic submarine ballistic missileNorth Korea announced on Wednesday that its ruling Workers' Party congress will open on May 6, ending its silence on the exact starting date of the first such conference in 36 years. The plan, first announced in October, calls for a rare party conference, at which analysts expect North Korea to formally adopt leader Kim Jong Un's "byongjin" policy to simultaneously push for economic development and nuclear weapons capability. North Korea's last party conference was held in 1980, before the birth of Kim, who is believed to be 33.

Tornadoes hit central U.S. states with severe weather on tap

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:42 PM PDT

Tornadoes were spotted in two central states on Tuesday as the National Weather Service warned large swaths of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas could be hit by twisters, destructive hail and high winds. There were reports of one tornado in Kansas and another in Oklahoma but no indication they caused any major damage or injuries. The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch extending from Texas into southern Nebraska and a severe thunderstorm watch for large parts of Missouri and into Pennsylvania.

Havana archbishop who played key role in U.S.-Cuba detente retires

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:41 PM PDT

Cuba's President Raul Casto and Cuba's Cardinal Jaime Ortega, leader of Cuba's Catholic Church talk during Pope Francis' departure at Jose Marti airport in HavanaBy Marc Frank HAVANA (Reuters) - The Cuban Catholic Church leader who became an influential figure within a country where he was once despised and played a key role in the Communist-run island's detente with the United States, is retiring. Pope Francis accepted Cardinal Jaime Ortega's resignation as Archbishop of Havana, first submitted four years ago when he turned 75, the Vatican wrote in a statement on Tuesday. The Pope named Juan de la Caridad Garcia Rodriguez, the archbishop of the city of Camaguey in central Cuba, as the new archbishop of the capital.

Greece set to miss May 1 target on bailout deal

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:40 PM PDT

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A senior European official says Greece has failed to reach a deal with bailout lenders before a May 1 target date set by Athens.

New force raids El Salvador gang districts

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:27 PM PDT

Members of a second contingent of the special reaction force, a combined army-police unit, are pictured during their deployment to deal with violence in Soyapango, El Salvador, on April 26, 2016Police and soldiers in El Salvador raided parts of the capital on Tuesday under a new campaign to break the reign of vicious gangs, officials said. Last week, authorities launched an elite Special Reaction Force of 1,000 police and troops to hunt gang leaders trying to take refuge in remote rural area and mountains. Its units are known as the Interventional and Territorial Recovery Forces, or FIRT under the Spanish acronym.

If they build a golf course, will they come to Olympics?

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:26 PM PDT

FILE - In this March 17, 2016, file photo, Adam Scott, of Australia, walks off the 17th green after making his putt during the first round of the Arnold Palmer Invitational golf tournament in Orlando, Fla. Scott, the 2013 Masters champion and No. 7 in the world, cited the busy schedule around the Olympics when the Australian said Tuesday, April 19,2 016, he was withdrawing in golf's return to the Olympics this year (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack, File)Building the new golf course in Rio de Janeiro in time for the Olympics once was considered the biggest obstacle.

Saudi reform plans flirt with social change

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:25 PM PDT

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, Saudi King Salman, and Saudi Arabia's Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stand together after Saudi Arabia's cabinet agrees to implement a broad reform plan known as Vision 2030 in RiyadhBy Angus McDowall RIYADH (Reuters) - Reforms promised by a young Saudi prince are couched in references to the kingdom's Islamic tradition but include ideas likely to upset some conservatives, risking future ruptures over the direction of society. Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's "Vision 2030" plan, which the 31-year-old announced on Monday, largely aims to transform Saudi Arabia's economy in an era of low oil prices and made few specific pledges of social change. For the Al Saud dynasty, which has always ruled in alliance with the powerful clergy of the kingdom's semi-official Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam, that may require care in how far to risk a conservative backlash.

Search team finds 'black box' from sunken El Faro ship

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:23 PM PDT

This image released on April 26, 2016 by the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) shows the cargo ship El Faro's voyage data recorder lying next to the mast on the ocean floorThe black box from the doomed cargo ship El Faro, which sank last October during Hurricane Joaquin, was located early Tuesday after a months-long search, according to US authorities. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said in a statement that the data recorder was located in 15,000 feet of water, about 41 miles (36 nautical miles) northeast of Acklins and Crooked Islands, Bahamas. The El Faro sank when it was caught by Hurricane Joaquin on October 1, killing its entire crew of 33 people, mostly Americans and five Poles.

Without Ronaldo, Madrid holds City 0-0 in Champions League

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:15 PM PDT

Real Madrid's Pepe kicks the ball trying to beat Manchester City's goalkeeper Joe Hart during the Champions League semifinal soccer match between Manchester City and Real Madrid, at the City of Manchester stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 26, 2016. (AP Photo/Jon Super)MANCHESTER, England (AP) — Real Madrid failed to turn late domination into a goal without the injured Cristiano Ronaldo as Manchester City held on for a 0-0 draw in the first leg of their Champions League semifinal on Tuesday.

Cuba cardinal, key to better US ties, steps down

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:14 PM PDT

Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega officiates mass at St. Lazarus church in El Rincon on December 17, 2013Cardinal Jaime Ortega, the Catholic church's top official in Havana and a promoter of closer ties with the United States, will be leaving the post, the Vatican announced Tuesday. Pope Francis accepted his retirement, shortly before Ortega is to turn 80, the Vatican said in a statement. The Cuban-born cardinal has been seen as a practical figure in Cuba's slow and painful post-Cold War life.

Greece sends another 49 migrants back to Turkey

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:08 PM PDT

Young migrants and refugees at a fence in the Moria detention center on the Greek island of Lesbos, on April 16, 2016Greece returned another 49 migrants to Turkey on Tuesday under a controversial EU-Turkey deal to reduce the influx, a police source said, three weeks after the first deportations. The latest expulsions came as tensions flared at a migrants' camp on the Greek island of Lesbos during a visit by Migration Minister Yannis Mouzalas. A government source told AFP that a "misunderstanding" triggered a disturbance at the Moria camp on Lesbos, one of several Greek islands that have seen a massive influx of migrants setting sail from nearby Turkey.

EPA orders Mitsubishi to conduct new vehicle testing

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 03:07 PM PDT

Mitsubishi Motors Corp's showroom is pictured at its headquarters in TokyoThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday it ordered Mitsubishi Motors Corp to provide additional information and conduct new tests of U.S. vehicles after the Japanese automaker's admission that it did not properly follow fuel economy test procedures in Japan since 1991. Mitsubishi said earlier on Tuesday that it used fuel economy testing methods that did not comply with Japanese regulations for 25 years, much longer than previously known. EPA spokeswoman Laura Allen said the agency has instructed Mitsubishi to "provide additional information regarding their U.S. vehicles.

Venezuela opposition authorized to seek referendum against president

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 02:59 PM PDT

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gestures at supporters during a demonstration in Caracas on April 19, 2016Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's opponents advanced Tuesday in their mission to drive him from office when electoral authorities gave them authorization to take initial steps seeking a recall referendum. The National Electoral Board said it would hand over the paperwork allowing them to seek nearly 200,000 signatures needed as a first step towards calling a referendum. It is one of the legal means the opposition is trying to use to oust Maduro, whom it blames for the country's severe economic crisis.

Fans 'unlawfully killed' in Hillsborough football disaster

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 02:57 PM PDT

A football fan is carried from the pitch at Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield following a crush in the stands on April 15, 1989The 96 Liverpool fans who died in the Hillsborough football stadium disaster were unlawfully killed, a jury has concluded, finding Britain's worst sporting tragedy was partly down to police errors. Relatives had been incensed by a 1991 inquest ruling the deaths were accidental, and there were shouts of "Yes!" in court when the jury's verdicts were delivered, with people jumping to their feet. "We have had two years of hell going up and down to the court each day, but the only thing I can say at the end of it today: it has been well worth it," said Margaret Aspinall, whose 18-year-old son James died at the stadium in Sheffield, northern England.

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