
Yahoo! News: World News


Yahoo! News: World News

Huge ice island could pose threat to oil, shipping (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 02:55 PM PDT

This combination of two satellite images provided by NASA and taken on July 28, 2010, at left, and Aug. 5, 2010, at right, shows the Petermann Glacier in Northern Greenland. A giant ice island, seen in image at right, has broken off the Petermann Glacier. A University of Delaware researcher says the floating ice sheet covers 100 square miles (260 sq. kilometers) — more than four times the size of New York's Manhattan Island. (AP Photo/NASA)AP - An island of ice more than four times the size of Manhattan is drifting across the Arctic Ocean after breaking off from a glacier in Greenland.

US aid winning friends in flood-ravaged Pakistan (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 12:56 PM PDT

Pakistani flood survivors jostle to get relief supplies provided by Pakistan army in Jaffarabad, Pakistan on Tuesday,  Aug. 10, 2010.  President Asif Ali Zardari returned Tuesday to flood-ravaged Pakistan, where he faced a storm of criticism for visiting Europe as his country was gripped by what his government called the nation's worst natural disaster. (AP Photo/Fida Hussain)AP - U.S. Army choppers carrying emergency food and water buzzed over the swollen river and washed-out bridges, landing in the valley once controlled by the Taliban. They returned laden with grateful Pakistani flood survivors — newly won friends in a country where many regard America as the No. 1 enemy.

Taliban blamed for sharp rise in Afghan casualties (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 12:34 PM PDT

Relatives and friends carry coffin of Jawed, 27, one of the two Afghans killed by gunmen in the northeastern province of Badakhshan, from a morgue in a military hospital in Kabul. The FBI is conducting its own probe into the deaths of six Americans citizens who were among eight foreigners gunned down in northeastern Afghanistan in an attack claimed by the Taliban, a US official said Monday.(AFP/Shah Marai)AP - The number of Afghan civilians killed or injured in the war soared 31 percent in the first six months of the year, with Taliban bombings and assassinations largely responsible for the sharp rise, the United Nations reported Tuesday.

Jury selection on at 1st Gitmo trial under Obama (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 12:46 PM PDT

** CORRECTS SPELLING OF LAST NAME TO IGLESIAS ** Captain Dave Iglesias, spokesman for the military commission prosecuting Omar Khadr, speaks to reporters at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Sunday, Aug. 8, 2010. Khadr, 23, is due to stand trial  for war crimes allegedly committed when he was 15 years old. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Colin Perkel)AP - A smiling Omar Khadr appeared in a suit and tie Tuesday and greeted prospective jurors at the start of his trial, billed by defense lawyers as the first war-crimes prosecution of a child soldier since World War II.

Co-pilot Putin helps put out Russia's wildfires (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 12:16 PM PDT

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin sits in the co-pilot's seat at a cockpit of an Emergencies Ministry's Beriev Be-200 amphibian multirole jet flying drop water over a a forest fires in Ryazan region,  some  180 km (111 miles) southeast of Moscow,  Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010.  Putin joined the crew of a firefighting airplane Tuesday and helped put out two of the hundreds of wildfires that are sweeping western Russia and cloaking Moscow in suffocating smog.(AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Pool)AP - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin climbed into a firefighting plane Tuesday and dumped water on two of the hundreds of wildfires sweeping through western Russia and cloaking Moscow in a suffocating smog.

Benjamin Netanyahu and the Curse of the Turkish Flotilla (Time.com)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 03:30 PM PDT

Time.com - Israel's prime minister rehearsed hard for his appearance before an investigative commission and still managed managed to blow it -- twice

Lawmakers demand Lockerbie bomber medical files (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 04:08 PM PDT

Freed Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohamet al-Megrahi wears a medical as he sits on a wheelchair in Tripoli in 2009. Four US senators pressed Scottish First Minsiter Alex Salmond on Tuesday to release the Lockerbie bomber's full medical records as well as a list of doctors who examined him before his release.(AFP/File/Mahmud Turkia)AP - Scottish lawmakers demanded Tuesday that their government publish full details of the medical advice that led to the release from prison of the Lockerbie bomber almost a year ago.

Lebanon: US military aid halt is 'unwarranted' (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 12:59 PM PDT

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah speaks during a press conference through a video link held in a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, on Monday Aug. 9, 2010. Nasrallah offered up documents and other material that he said implicates Israel in the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Among the material presented was what Nasrallah described as Israeli reconnaissance footage intercepted by Hezbollah of areas frequented by Hariri.(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)AP - For years, the U.S. has pumped money into Lebanon's military, hoping a strengthened army would sideline Iranian-backed Hezbollah's powerful militia.

Colombia, Venezuela to restore diplomatic ties (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 04:46 PM PDT

AP - The presidents of Colombia and Venezuela say they will restore diplomatic relations severed 20 days ago by Caracas.

Correction: War Crimes-Taylor-South Africa (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 02:39 PM PDT

AP - In an Aug. 6 story about the war crimes tribunal weighing charges against Charles Taylor, the former Liberian president, The Associated Press misspelled the name of a man to whom model Naomi Campbell gave some stones. His correct name is Jeremy Ractliffe, not Ratcliffe. The same error was in an Aug. 5 story about the tribunal from Leidschendam, Netherlands.

China landslide toll rises to 700; Pakistanis flee (AP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 04:52 PM PDT

Pakistani troops evacuate stranded villagers in Pannu Aqil near Sukkar, Pakistan on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010.The U.N., relying on Pakistani figures, says the number of people affected by flooding over the past two weeks is 13.8 million, more than the combined total of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2005 Kashmir earthquake and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, although the death toll in each of those disasters was much higher than the 1,500 people killed in the floods. (AP Photo/Shakil Adil)AP - The death toll from landslides in northwestern China more than doubled to 702 Tuesday, as rescue crews in three Asian countries struggled to reach survivors from flooding that has imperiled millions.

Guantanamo jury can consider Omar Khadr's age (Reuters)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 01:19 PM PDT

Reuters - Jurors can consider Omar Khadr's age in deciding whether he intended to commit a war crime in Afghanistan when he was 15, a U.S. military judge told jury candidates in the Canadian prisoner's trial on Tuesday.

Amnesty urges Australia to end racial discrimination (AFP)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 08:50 AM PDT

Budgeoli Aboriginal elder Max Eulo performs a 'Welcome to Country' smoking ceremony on Goat Island, in Sydney Harbour on April 18. Human rights group Amnesty has urged Australia to end policies it said racially discriminated against Aborigines and asylum seekers, saying the country was failing its international obligations.(AFP/File/Torsten Blackwood)AFP - Human rights group Amnesty Tuesday urged Australia to end policies it said racially discriminated against Aborigines and asylum seekers, saying the country was failing its international obligations.

In small rubber boat, Pakistani navy searches for flood victims (McClatchy Newspapers)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 03:13 PM PDT

McClatchy Newspapers - ROHRI, Pakistan — The small rubber boat manned by two Pakistani navy personnel churned through the vast expanse of brown water, passing scattered clumps of treetops and the thatched roofs of a few houses in search of stranded villagers.

Is Hezbollah right that Israel assassinated Lebanon's Rafik Hariri? (The Christian Science Monitor)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 08:07 AM PDT

The Christian Science Monitor - On Monday night, the leader of Hezbollah showed intercepted Israeli reconnaissance footage and confessions of Israeli spies to back his accusation that Israel was responsible for the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri â€" an explosive murder under investigation by an international tribunal.

As Lebanon Braces for Hariri Findings, Hizballah Tries to Shift Blame to Israel (Time.com)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 03:30 PM PDT

Time.com - The Shi'ite militant group's leader Hassan Nasrallah presents evidence he says implies a dirty-tricks operation to stir up trouble in Lebanon

Homeless Take On Israeli Forces (OneWorld.net)

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 10:19 AM PDT

OneWorld.net - RAMALLAH, Aug 10 (IPS) - A bruising battle of will is taking place between Israeli security forces and Palestinians recently made homeless after two Palestinian villages were razed and hundreds left homeless.

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