
Yahoo! News: World News


Yahoo! News: World News

Thousands protest in Iran, defying crackdown vow (AP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:57 PM PDT

In this photo taken by an individual not employed by the Associated Press and obtained by the AP outside Iran shows Iranian protestors run away from tear gas fired by security in an opposition rally in Tehran, Iran, Thursday, July 9, 2009. Hundreds of young men and women chanted 'death to the dictator,' confronting police wielding batons and firing tear gas in the capital Thursday as opposition activists sought to revive street protests despite authorities' vows to 'smash' any new marches. (AP Photo) EDITORS NOTE AS A RESULT OF AN OFFICIAL IRANIAN GOVERNMENT BAN ON FOREIGN MEDIA COVERING SOME EVENTS IN IRAN, THE AP WAS PREVENTED FROM INDEPENDENT ACCESS TO THIS EVENTAP - Thousands of protesters streamed down avenues of the capital Thursday, chanting "death to the dictator" and defying security forces who fired tear gas and charged with batons, witnesses said.

2 men and a mediator: Can Arias help Honduras? (AP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:54 PM PDT

Honduras' interim President Roberto Micheletti, left, waves as he leaves a meeting with Costa Rica's Rodrigo Arias, cabinet member and brother of Costa Rica's President Oscar Arias, at Juan Santamaria international airport near San Jose, Thursday, July 9, 2009. Micheletti arrived to participate in negotiations with Honduras' ousted President Manuel Zelaya, with Costa Rica's President Oscar Arias acting as mediator.  Honduras' army seized Zelaya and flew him out of the country on June 28 after the courts and Congress accused him of violating the constitution. (AP Photo/Kent Gilbert)AP - Talks to resolve the leadership crisis in Honduras began Thursday, with both sides holding closed-door meetings with Costa Rican President Oscar Arias to discuss a coup that has re-awoken fears of political instability in the region.

World leaders vow to restart stalled trade talks (AP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 01:25 PM PDT

G8, G5 and Egypt  leaders applaud U.S. President Barack Obama as he joins the group for a family photo, at the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy, Thursday, July 9, 2009. Leaders of the exclusive club of eight industrialized nations open up their forum Thursday to the five fastest developing market economies, Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa, tacit admission that their leadership alone is not enough to fix the world's major problems. (AP Photo/Eric Feferberg, Pool)AP - Leaders of the exclusive club of eight industrialized leaders plus five of the fastest developing nations are calling for open markets and a battle against protectionism as the answer to the world's economic meltdown.

Afghanistan tones down contentious marriage law (AP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 12:16 PM PDT

FILE - This April 15, 2009, file photos shows Afghan Shiite women carrying banners  during a march against a new conservative marriage law in Kabul, Afghanistan . Government officials said Thurdsay, July 9, 2009, that the government has toned down the marriage law that stirred domestic demonstrations like this and an international outcry because the measure appeared to  legalized marital rape.  (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)AP - Afghanistan's government has revised a law that stirred an international outcry because it essentially legalized marital rape, officials said Thursday. The new version no longer requires a woman submit to sex with her husband, only that she do certain housework.

G-8 climate talks divide rich and poor countries (AP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 02:54 PM PDT

AP - The chasm between rich and poor on how to address climate change burst into the open at the G-8 summit Thursday, showing how difficult it will be to persuade the world to make lifestyle and economic sacrifices needed to save the planet from global warming.

British Tabloid Shocker: Celebrity Phones Hacked! (Time.com)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:25 PM PDT

Time.com - Did Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper subsidiary pay $1.6 million to settle court cases that exposed the alleged fact that its journalists illegally hacked the phones of politicians and celebrities?

Drunk badger disrupts traffic (Reuters)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 03:53 PM PDT

Kyrgyz Taigan dogs chase a badger during a hunting festival near the village of Bokonbayevo, some 300 km (186 miles) east from the capital Bishkek, August 24, 2007. REUTERS/Vladimir PirogovReuters - A badger in Germany got so drunk on over-ripe cherries it staggered into the middle of a road and refused to budge, police said on Wednesday.

Worst violence since US pullback hits Iraq (AP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:06 PM PDT

Residents sit near the site of a bomb attack in Sadr City in Baghdad, July 9, 2009. Seven people were killed and 20 were wounded in a twin bomb attack at a market in Sadr City, a poor, Shi'ite Muslim area of the Iraqi capital.  REUTERS/Sattar al-Rubaie (IRAQ CONFLICT)AP - Bombs killed nearly 60 people in Iraq on Thursday in the worst violence since U.S. combat troops withdrew from urban areas last week, and American forces released five Iranian officials suspected of aiding Shiite insurgents.

Venezuela announces new rules affecting cable TV (AP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:25 PM PDT

AP - President Hugo Chavez's government is imposing new regulations on cable television while also revoking the broadcast licenses of more than 200 radio stations, the top telecommunications official said Thursday.

Key Nigerian militant accepts govt amnesty: lawyer (AFP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 01:56 PM PDT

This undated picture released by MEND in 2008 shows Henry Okah. The key militant in Nigeria's southern Niger Delta detained since September 2007 has accepted President Umaru Yar'Adua recent offer of unconditional amnesty, his lawyer said on Thursday.(AFP/MEND/File)AFP - A key militant in Nigeria's southern Niger Delta detained since September 2007 has accepted President Umaru Yar'Adua recent offer of unconditional amnesty, his lawyer said on Thursday.

Hundreds injured, 10,000 homes destroyed in China quake: state media (AFP)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:06 PM PDT

A quake reading on a seismograph. A moderate earthquake hit southwestern China, destroying more than 10,000 homes and leaving hundreds of people injured, state media and seismologists said Friday.(AFP/File/Nicolas Asfouri)AFP - A moderate earthquake hit southwestern China, destroying more than 10,000 homes and leaving hundreds of people injured, state media and seismologists said Friday.

Poll shows Tories, Liberals almost tied (Reuters)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 07:58 AM PDT

Reuters - Canada's opposition Liberals have lost the slight lead in popular support they had over the governing Conservatives and the two parties are now in a statistical "dead heat", a new poll said on Thursday.

Australia PM says caution needed on China spy case (Reuters)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:03 PM PDT

Employees are seen at Rio Tinto Limited Shanghai Representative Office in Shanghai, July 8, 2009. REUTERS/Aly SongReuters - Australia is adopting a cautious approach to dealing with Chinese allegations of spying against Shanghai-based staff of Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Friday.

Thousands rally in Tehran with bitter new cry (McClatchy Newspapers)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:49 PM PDT

McClatchy Newspapers - TEHRAN, Iran — Chanting a bitter new rallying cry, thousands of Iranians marched through Tehran Thursday in the latest protest over last month's disputed presidential election, but teargas-firing riot police blocked them from reaching their intended goal of Tehran university.

US troops in Afghanistan face tough battle: Making 'clear, hold, and build' work (The Christian Science Monitor)

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 02:00 AM PDT

The Christian Science Monitor - Part 2 of a two-part series.

Beaten Back, Iran's Opposition Looks to Reform from Within (Time.com)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 04:25 PM PDT

Time.com - Having lost the battle for the streets, those who led the opposition to the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are now forced to fight on within the regime, where the hard-line security establishment is ascendant

Haiti's Billion Dollar Debt Cancelled (OneWorld.net)

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 01:54 PM PDT

OneWorld.net - WASHINGTON, Jul 8 (OneWorld.net) - The recent cancellation of Haiti's $1.2 billion debt is a huge victory for the impoverished country, which will now have greater resources to invest in "desperately needed relief" for its people, says a coalition of groups fighting poverty worldwide.

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